Hello there... yes, I'm still here... just!
So, I would love to report that the kitchen cabinets have been painted, hung, and dutifully adored, but, alas, I am a fickle girl... easily tempted by the beautiful Spring sunshine and the promise of warmer days... So, instead of painting this past weekend (as intended), I went for a bike ride... and it was lovely... so no apologies! The kitchen update at this point in time is they are all cleaned, sanded, and eagerly awaiting that first lick of paint... that, and the new kitchen dresser I procured the other day... Did I not mention that??
Picture taken from Craigslist |
'It needs a lot of TLC, but I think it will fit in like a charm in my little kitchen'... These were the exact words I used to the hubby, as he rolled his eyes at the prospect of me taking on yet another project... Oh, and just in case you were wondering, the prints on the front
will be going... Watch this space to see it transformed into something spectacular (cough, cough)...
Anyhoo, this week has entailed sanding kitchen cabinets, doctors visits, trailing across the Jersey Shore in search of the kitchen dresser, parents' evening at my eldest daughter's school, the usual Mummy duties, and a much needed cup of tea and natter with my ex-Pat chum...
She'd just been home to Blighty, and so, I needed filling in as to what is happening in my beloved home country... Are the shops all decked out for Spring and the Royal Wedding? What food did she eat? What was on the telly? Did she get the current issue of Country Living?? I bathed in her English experiences, hoping that, somehow, they would rub off on me... and, as I can't go to see a friend empty-handed, I also whipped up a batch of
Egg Custards to go with the tea, and to help us pretend that we were having a good old chin-wag back in Blighty...
Egg Custards were one of my favourite desserts back home (England), but I've not been able to get them here in the States. So, my mum passed me the recipe, and, really, I don't know why I never made them in the past... they're so easy! As I'm super busy at the mo', I did cheat and buy the ready-made Graham Cracker cases (instead of making my own pastry) and, I have to say, they were quite yummy... I guess they were a little Americanised... just like me!
Take care all... I'm off to paint, sew, check Craigslist or something...
A Cheat's Egg Custard Tarts
2 Eggs
250ml milk
2 tablespoons of sugar (vanilla sugar if you have it)
grated nutmeg
6 small tart cases
Preheat oven to 350F (180c)
To prepare the custard filling, whisk eggs separately, and bring the milk and sugar to the boil in a pan. Pour milk mixture onto the eggs and cool.
Pour the custard mixture into the tart cases and grate nutmeg on top over the tarts.
Pop the tarts in the oven for approximately 20 minutes or until the tarts have set.
I cheated and brought Graham Cracker cases (which were delicious), but if you're wanting a traditional Custard Tart, then follow the recipe above using shortcrust pastry tart cases.