Monday, July 11, 2011

Loving life...

Hello there-
So, how do you dip back into this blogging malarkey when you've had so long away from it? The old laptop has sat there on the desk, gathering dust, while I have been off, out-and-about... patiently sitting there, not demanding me to pick her up and tap away... letting me enjoy the sun, the beach, the kids, and mindless telly. But, enough is enough. So, today, I picked her up and started to blog again... but what to say?

Yeah, I've made some amazing food over the past few weeks. I am in love with any dish containing fresh peas. The mere act of shelling peas brings a smile to my face... my mum used to say that having babies was like shelling peas... Erm, no, can't see that at all??? I definitely didn't have a smile on my face during labor... Anyhoo, I'll be sharing my pea salad recipe next week... as it's just too good not to!
I've watched fireworks on the beach, but sans camera... Now, that would have been a post. Watching the Manhattan 4th of July fireworks from our little beach. Doesn't get much better... Except watching them from a huge yacht, I guess... Okay, it could get better, but it still was a pretty nice experience...

Then, we had the old "shaving the dog" debacle... I couldn't put a picture up of her... it wouldn't be fair... let's just say she looks like a South American street dog and not the beautiful black spaniel she was.... Not to worry though, the hubby said it will grow back and squared it away by declaring she was much happier with her cool, streamline appearance... Never the less I don't think we can add "dog groomer" to his bow... Lets just say them guys earn every bit of that $80...

There's been a whole lot going on in this little place... most of all, I've just enjoyed spending long days and late nights with the kiddies and hubby... and that is what life is about. Enjoying every last minute of it. From the early dawn chorus, to the hot mid-day sun on a salty beach, to watching the sun set, slipping slowly into the ocean, leaving behind a sky of pink and orange... to the dark nights, lit only by the blue hue of the moon and the occasional glow of a firefly...  and that, my dears, is where I leave you... sharing a little corner of my life. Our little beach... an amazing sunset and a moonlit beach... Life is good and there to be enjoyed!


  1. your little corner of the world sounds like perfection! Can't wait for the pea salad recipe, I'm getting 5lbs of peas tomorrow in my produce box and I'll be looking for something new to do with them!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful summer! Fireflies and peas + family = a lucky momma. Loved your post XOL

  3. Glad your are having fun with your family, sounds like fun.

  4. Hi Laura
    Well who would blame you not blogging when you are having such a lovely time, enjoy! look forward to the pea salad recipe.

  5. So glad you've enjoyed your little blogging break - sounds like you're all relaxed and refreshed :)

  6. Welcome back! You sound positively revived and very happy.
    Don't worry we've had a dog shaving debacle too. Poor old Curly looked like he should have been called Baldy. Thankfully the hair does grow back.
    Love the sunset photo!

  7. Nice to see you back, sounds like you have been having a lovely time... oh dear a shaving debacle, I'm sure he doesn't care though as long as he's cooler x

  8. It's lovley to catch back up & find that life has been good for you - always the best reason to not be blogging!

    Love the photo's & look forward to the Pea salad - my pea shoots are just sprouting through...


  9. All I can say is good for you! Enjoy every sunny minute... Lou x

  10. Sounds like the best of times - wonderful. xxx

  11. Sounds like a lovely summer you're having there...I would do anything for some decent summer weather at the's very hit and miss here at the moment...more grey than sun and a fair amount of rain. I love hot summer evenings...especially with fireflies in the mix. When we lived in QLD the kids went out to the mangroves one night and brought a jar of fireflies back...we turned all the lights off and let them fly about the house...great memories. Robx

  12. Life is good - keep on enjoying it!!
    xo Cathy

  13. Hats off to you for taking a break from blogging and enjoying your summer.

    Hats off to you for coming back. (We can't stay away too long, can we?)


  14. Eating good food and watching fireworks sounds like the good life.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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