Thursday, June 16, 2011

A flower for all you Daddies...

June... What a beautiful month. The garden is a riot of colours and, oh, so green. Everything looks fresh and bright. Nothing yet scorched by the New Jersey heat. The bugs are manageable. The heat, tolerable, and the nights, long. Nothing short of perfect.

Dads are rewarded with the best month of the year. I always thought that my Dad had a better day to celebrate being a parent than my Mum. I mean, back in Blighty, Mother's Day is celebrated when winter hasn't been fully ushered out of the door. At least, here, in the States, I get to celebrate it in May when things are definitely on the up and up. Dads, on the other hand, get cool beers, barbecues, and beautiful sunshine! You lucky Daddies, you!

This past week, I had a mid-week reward of the hubby being home during the day. The sun was shining and it was a perfect garden day. So, while he entertained the girls, I did a spot of dead-heading, in an attempt to prolong the beauty that has been bestowed on my garden at the moment. As I clipped the delphiniums back, I just had to pop the very tops (which were still in bloom) in a jug. This year, they looked stunning. They stood so tall, one plant garnished 8 spires of electric-blue flowers. Truly amazing... I only hope I'll get a second crop of them like I have with my lupines. I'm not banking on it, though, as I just couldn't bare cutting them back. So, I think that they may have gone to seed. We'll see though.

Anyhoo, the hubby chilled in his hammock (an early Father's Day gift brought back from Blighty) and the girls made mud pies in the birdbath... I like to think of it as a spa treatment for my little feathered friends. It was one of those days were I just smiled and thanked my lucky stars...

So, my Friday Flower this week is dedicated to all you Daddies out there... not that many guys read this, I imagine, but you can pass it on if you feel inclined... This year, I have dear friends that have just become Daddies... some that will become Daddies imminently, "been-around-the-block" Daddies, step-Daddies, and, of course, my Daddy and my girls' Daddy. Each and everyone of you are amazing. You have big shoes to fill. You hold the hearts of your children in your hands, and yours will be forever in theirs.

Have a great weekend all.

If you would like to join in with this weeks Friday Flower, simply use the linky widget below to link to your flower inspired post. The more the merrier!


  1. What a thoughful post, Laura! And lovely pictures. I love Delphiniums too - beautiful flowers. Have a great weekend. Abby x

  2. I hope he has a great fathers day, the Delphiniums are so pretty.

  3. I'm coming back to post and join in the link up but i'm just back from a weekly shop & was in dire need of a cup of tea & a little reading with it...

    i've started here with you, of course, and have promptly burst into tears at the end of the post...

    your words & that photo- so lovely...good tears i must say- but now i can't see the screen...god knows what i'm typing!!

    have a wonderful day sunday...with the daddy in your house...

    m xxx

  4. What a lovely photo in the hammock. All gardens should have hammocks. Enjoy the weekend. x

  5. What a beautiful little girl you have there. Lovely photos for us to look at today.Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  6. Do you have any advice for growing delphiniums? I planted some this year, for the first time, and they don't seem to be doing well. I'm afraid I may even lose them. And they're so beautiful....I'd really hate to lose them!!!Yours are lovely, by the way!!!

  7. Aaah, your little girl is a real cutie.

    Our delphiniums were only planted this year so I'm not sure whether we'll get flowers. Yours look spectacular!!


  8. Oh, Laura, you Gorgeous Girl! I love the thoughts you've expressed so beautifully here and well, of course, the heavenly delphiniums hooked me in, being blue ☺. Hmm, yet another idea for Planet Baby's new garden! J x

  9. Lovely...enjoy the day with your Daddy and your children's Daddy. Robx

  10. I just found your blog and joined your Friday flower.

  11. Oh my what a sweet sweet picture of your husband and your daughter!!!!!
    Wishing you a lovely day,

  12. Lovely post, what a great pic with Daddy and daughter :) x

  13. How lovely! So sweet! Have a delightful weekend, Kellie xx

  14. So sweet pictures and i love this article.


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