Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Sunday flower for mums

Hello lovelies,
I know my posts have been very sporadic lately, but I really have been cracking on with projects around this house, so poor old me has had no time for anything (other than resting my weary head at the end of the day)...

So, this past Friday, I was off at a neighbour's on a play-date when she offered me some of her Lily of the Valley to plant in my garden. Who could refuse that offer? If these flowers are good enough for a princess's wedding bouquet, then they are certainly good enough for my little garden. So, they were promptly transplanted two doors down and are now residing in the raised bed. The neighbour said they do really well here, so I'm hoping I'll be overrun with them come next Spring.

Anyhoo, while I was busy digging up said flowers, my eldest was merrily picking them and making the perfect Mother's Day posy. The smell is divine... I so wish you could take a big whiff through the computer, but, as it is, you'll just have to make do with the beautiful image...

... the perfect Mother's Day flowers. Collected by the little hands of my 4-year old, on a beautiful Spring day... dedicated to all the Mummies out there. Whether here in the States celebrating, or in the UK (or any other country), where it's just another Sunday... but, hey, it's Mother's Day here! So, go tell your loved ones to pop the kettle on and treat you like the queen that you are. Because all Mums are queens, deserving flowers fit for royalty!
Take care all!


  1. Lovely post. I have lilly of the valley in my garden, and they do smell divine! They will spread quite well, so that's good. Don't they look beautiful in that simple little glass jar. Lovely!

  2. Ah, lucky you - I love lily of the valley - none in our garden here - must remedy that; I loved them at our old house. Happy Mother's Day to you over there! Kate's bouquet must have smelled gorgeous! Have a good week. Abby x

  3. Hello gorgeous...

    How beautiful to be given lily of the valley to plant from your friend and by the bunch via your big-little sweetheart M.

    Hope you have had a wonderful day-lots of tea NOT made by you and perhaps a little sleep in??

    We have had a day of crazy rain then gorgeous sunshine...a typical english spring day- yes!?
    I didn't claim my Aussie mothers day to much- but I did get the whole family behind moving the kids room from one side of the house to the other...!!

    Quite a feat that had to be fit between football and horseriding!

    Sending you mums days hugs & friendship from over here...Melissa xx

    PS I am desperate to see your projects!!!

  4. What delicate lovely flowers to have for a Mother's Day tea. Hope your Mother's Day overflows with beauty!

  5. those dainty flowers collected by little hands - perfect for this day indeed. happy mother's day, laura! i wish you a day as special as you are.

  6. My very most favorite flower in the whole wide world!!! Such a little delicate flower to hold such amazing scent! Lily of the Vally my 1st flower to be planted at our little farm! Luv your bouquet!

  7. These are one of my very favorites! And they do smell divine. I transplanted mine last year, gifted by a friend, and they're coming in lovely this year!

  8. One of my all-time
    favorite flowers. If
    I'd been married in
    May, that's what I would
    have carried. It was
    a September affair, so
    I carried gardenias : )
    The bouquet looks precious!
    I can only imagine how
    proud your "florist" was
    to present you with it!
    xx Suzanne

  9. So pretty and in the perfect vase!
    xo Cathy

  10. oh they are just beautiful!
    Hope you had a lovely Mother's day xx

  11. Beautiful flowers and how I wish I could smell them from here. Even more so I wish I had a green thumb. Gardening is not my strength but I try and try every year.


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