Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gardening makes me happy...

Hello my dears...
Here's a question for those who write a blog... do you ever have an idea for a post, mull it over and then find that the very thing you were thinking about, was blogged about that very same day?? Happens to me often. A friend of mine read a book, which says that as soon as we have an idea, it goes up into the ether and is then out there ready for someone to act upon... I guess that's where my problem lies... I'm not acting on my ideas sharp enough, so, they are floating around in the atmosphere ready for someone to catch... like a butterfly, in a net....

... or, on the other hand, I could just be very unoriginal....

Anyhoo,  I just wanted to share a little of my life... I was pottering around the garden, watering in my new additions and babying my new rose, when I had one of those moments... the one where if you were able to see my aura, it would be all yellow and glowing (I'm not sure if that's the right colour, but I'm assuming yellow is happy).

Yes, I was happy! Happy with my little plot of land, happy watching my little girls playing at the water table... watching the birds zipping through through the trees... the colourful flowers slowly unfurling their delicate petals, ready to display their summer glory...

... and even though, we have a long way to go, before this little old place has the garden I envisage, it sure has come a long way from the chain link fence and crab grass days (although there is still some of both remaining)...

... and so, while I have been away from this blogging malarkey, I have been a busy bee, planting moving and digging...

... and there's still plenty to do out here, but that's the joy of gardening... come July I'll be able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labour.

Take care all.
Here's one of the cat... she was desperate to get in on the action!


  1. Those 'happy in the garden' moments are the best! Your garden looks beautiful.

  2. Oh, Laura, just call it synchronicity! It happens to me as well. Just keep doing your own thing, I say - you do it so beautifully. And your garden is looking a picture. J x

  3. That's such a cute kitty photo. I hope he is happy with it too!


  4. Hi sweetie!
    Well, we all have a bit of the same lifes, interests etc, so we bound to happen to have the same idea's right? and that's ok, I think, everyone has a different way of putting it out there on their blogs.
    Love your garden, mine looks more of a mess compared to yours.... Enjoy your hard work,
    (how's the kitchen doing?) hugs,
    Maureen x

  5. It looks wonderful too! A cozy spot for children and mother's gardening spots. You will enjoy your summer out there immensely. Gardening is a process. Unless you're rich and prefer to hire gardeners to do it for you. Even if I were rich, I would not choose that route. I love the process itself too much!

  6. The garden looks beautiful! I can't wait to plop myself in a chair out there on Memorial Day!

  7. How pretty your yard and garden have turned out! I would enjoy every minute out there. It is as unique as you and your ideas!


  8. Laura, what a lovely back garden....there's nothing nicer than pottering around like feel like everything is right with the world! Robx

  9. Yes, I definitely have that happen to me regarding blog posts! Sometimes I just go ahead and write it and try to be different, sometimes I just confess that I know its been written about but carry on.

    The garden photos look lovely! I completely love working in my garden as well. I find it really 'earths' me in more ways than one!

  10. I agree with the others. Your garden does look beautiful. Lovely plants you have there. It looks very English and, hopefully, that comment will please you!! I love that bird house (and the little cat who got in on the action!). Roll on July when you can sit back with that glass of wine and admire your handiwork!

  11. Oh the garden looks lovely!
    And yes, totally agree on the acting upon your ideas bit........
    Have a great weekend

  12. Hello hon-that garden of yours is gorgeous!
    I'm sure the swingset was VERY obvious, the last
    time you took a garden shot-now it's at the end of a
    meandering garden!
    A gorgeous love-gardening.
    You are totally like my b.b here-she takes me to many a
    secret country flower spot!!
    M xx

  13. Your garden looks lovely - so many beautiful, bright colours! I love the stones edging your flower beds too, what are they? I said to my friend the other day that I feel like my soul is being fed when I am in my garden. It is a state at the moment, but I really enjoy pottering out there x

  14. your garden is awesome...LOVE the stepping stones....everything is so nice and green!! Glad I found your blog!!!

  15. beautiful gardens...
    I have that idea thing happen to me all the time, now I know why! take care..;j

  16. Hi Laura, Your garden is so lovely.. that Lupin with the pale pink Rose, gorgeous. There is nothing better for the soul than 'stopping and smelling the Roses' x

  17. Your garden is SOOOO lovely!! You've done a great job with it, everything is so green and healthy. I adore that cute bird house! x

  18. Wow, your garden looks fantastic! Or did you rip these photos from a magazine?! XOL

  19. YOU most definitely
    have the garden touch.
    Love all your flowers
    and a bit envious....
    you are way ahead of
    us in MN!
    xx Suzanne

  20. Greetings from Canada!
    Luv your following you!

    Stop by sometime...

    Ciao Bella!
    Creative Carmelina

  21. Hi, Laura, the Mister and I ooohhhed and aaahhhed over your beautiful garden! Thanks for providing the lovely inspiration! I'd much rather be digging in the dirt than doing work indoors (and my home attests to that).

  22. your yard makes me happy! i just love all of it and yes, gardening makes me happy, too. : )

  23. Hello Laura

    What a lovely garden. It looks so sheltered and private and so it's not surprising that you experience that private feeling of happiness there.
    I also find that gardening is the perfect way to restore a natural rhythm and calm: breath easy in the fresh air, smell the soil and watch the butterflies.
    Wishing you happy days in the garden.


  24. I love this post and your garden is fabulous!! I too have read about thoughts and ideas floating about in the cosmos, very interesting stuff. Yes, a yellow aura means fun, lightness and joy! ;)

  25. Your garden is lovely! You have such a wonderful green thrumb!!!! I'd want to spend every moment out in the space you've created!
    Have a wonderful sunday,

  26. I loved your photos of your garden your garden is looking fabulous.

  27. Hi Laura,
    just wanted to say Hi and check if your still busy, it's not the same without your posts here, Hugs, Maureen

  28. Your garden looks lovely - how cute that your cat wanted to get in on the action too! - Melissa x

  29. Hi Laura
    Your garden looks lovely, you really have worked hard, it looks like a little bit of England in your backyard!!!
    have a lovely weekend,

  30. Dear Laura, I love your garden - it's so lush and so gorgeous. I just found your blog and I adore it - following you now. Please come and see me sometimes - hopefully you'll like what I do and follow me too :O)
    Have a great day!
    A xxx


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