Friday, December 3, 2010

A Friday Flower for Robynne

Sorry I'm late posting a Friday Flower today, but yesterday was a bit of a sad one for me... My mum returned to Blighty... leaving behind her poorly, sick, broken-hearted daughter... Why do colds come along at the most inopportune times? I guess you could say that my nose is looking pretty festive at the moment... to put it another way, if Rudolph finds himself otherwise engaged on Christmas Eve, I could certainly fill his shoes... make that hooves!

Anyhoo, my mum is returning to some Christmassy weather herself (that's if you're from the northern hemisphere), as the UK has been hit with a pretty hefty amount of snow... oohh, how I wish I was there to experience the beautiful English countryside covered in a white blanket... as it is, I have had to make do with the snapshots of those living in my beautiful homeland...

Which leads me nicely to my Friday Flower... this week, I dedicate my flower to a lady with a name that compliments this glorious season... her name is Robynne  and she has just moved to the UK from another favourite place of mine, Australia. She has just started her blog, Robynne's Nest,  which documents her life in rural England and her travels across Europe. Today, my mum and I oohhed and ahhed at her pictures of an English robin and the beautiful English countryside... now that's my kind of eye candy...  So, Robynne, here's my Friday Flower for you... I picked them because they reminded me of snowflakes... something that I imagine, you are just loving at the moment... Anyhoo, if you get a chance, pop over to Robynne and catch up on life in Blighty. I'm sure you will get a warm welcome...

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend, wherever you are and whatever you're doing!
Take care.

If you would like to join in with this week's Friday Flower, there's a Linky widget below where you can add a link to your page... then pop over to miss sew and so and do the same there... the more the merrier!


  1. Oh Laura, it's hard when family leave isn't it? It sounds like you had a great time with your mum, go and print out some snapshots of her holiday with you so that you have some lovely photographic memories. After our recent UK trip, I made up a little album for my little girl and we have a couple small framed photos in our kitchen to look at each day. Hope your cold gets better soon. x

  2. Regardless of how festive that red nose is - hope you get well quickly! xo Cathy

  3. Oh golly Laura thanks so much for your kindness today. I love the flowers and the dedication...yes they do remind me of snowflakes which I am getting quite a kick out of. It's such a novelty all this snow and I am enjoying it. I'm even learning new to walk to the car without slipping on my a*se!
    I'm sorry that your sad today, isn't it horrible seeing family members off at the airport. However, she's just on the end of the phone (or skype)...I talk to my kids often and sometimes I can just about fool myself into thinking that they're 'just around the corner'...almost.
    I'm glad that you and your mum enjoyed my posts, I really love your country even when it's minus 2'.
    Thanks again, Robx

  4. Hi Laura - I hope you're feeling better soon. I really do know how hard it is to see your mum go :( I moped the whole drive home from Notts to Cumbria after seeing my mum off to go back to Oz. I'm sure your girls will give you lots of hugs. Love looking at new blogs and I'm going straight over to Robynne's Nest blog now. Have a great weekend - Melissa x

  5. What a non-fun day for you...feeling sick and having to say bye to your mum. Not fun at all.
    ps finally I have got my act together and linked in!

  6. Thanks for introducing us to Robynne, Sweetie. Ah, those separation pangs are painful, aren't they? You've really enjoyed having your mum around, haven't you - now she's given you the gift of knowing how to sew! I'm so pleased for you about that - that's one thing my mum hasn't show me. Yet ☺. J x

  7. I just came from visiting Robynne. Thanks for introducing us. Sorry you've been under the weather. Sorry you mama had to go home. I know you will miss her. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  8. I'd make you ckicken soup but know you don't eat that. So what is your comfort food when you're not feeling well?

  9. Dear Laura, I can say that
    I've been in your shoes many,
    many times....Counting my blessings
    to have such an amazing mom but
    always sad when we part, as we
    have 1,500 miles between us. What
    a wonderful visit that you had!
    I wonder if the next will with you
    and yours visiting England?
    Happy Weekend. Stay cozy and focus
    on all of the good things!
    xx Suzanne

  10. Laura,

    I hope your body and your heart feels better soon. It is so hard to be sick when one already has a sad heart. Your flowers are lovely! Thank you for sharing Robynnes's blog. I enjoyed it!

  11. I hate that feeling when a family member leaves after a visit, the house feels so empty! Heading over to Robyn nest now. I'm green with envy over your very pretty blog, I'm afraid mine is very basic but I do tell a few expat yarns that might interest you. Kirsty (Shamozal)

  12. hello my gorgeous friend....i have soo happily come back from the airport to your FF!!
    yep...whilst your wonderful lovely mother is returning to the UK....we thought we would be winging it to Marrakech...alas a strike in spain meant we couldn't fly over spanish airspace today....we are starting all over again on tuesday!!! back to the airport.....alas the 45th actual day wasn't spent there...but we did divert by going out for a big winey italian lunch!
    huge hugs my sweet...melissa xxxxx

    p.s your address??? send me an email....x

  13. Hi Laura
    A sad day when Mum goes home and I am sure you will miss her so much you did some lovely things together. Well yes we have snow but not in the part of England that I live in (very strange as it is usually us that gets it first) but no doubt it will come, isn't it funny how we all love it, even though it disrupts our lifes so much well in England it does!!! Hope you feel better very soon, keep warm

  14. The flowers are lovely! And that soldier beside it is just adorable! Have a wonderful week, Kellie xx

  15. I have been thinking about your mom's travels home since you wrote me - I am glad that she made it back okay ;) Missing her indicates it was a wonderful visit!


  16. Your family seems be getting sick a lot. I hope your all feeling better.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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