Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas bunting....and a mummy's heart..

Hi there... I'm still here, just in case you were thinking I'd been dragged off into the woods by a bear...This past Sunday, we returned from the cabin having had a wonderfully relaxing Thanksgiving... being taken away from the home certainly forces you to relax; or, in my case, brush up on the old sewing skills... under my mum's tutelage, I managed to rustle up a little Christmas bunting...

Baring in mind that less than 3 weeks ago, I had not been near a sewing machine since Home Economics class (circa 1988)... I am pretty chuffed (pleased) with the results! There's no stopping me now!... I having an ongoing list in my head of things I want to make...

My next mission is to make some fabric heart decorations.... I did attempt one at the cabin, but not sewing in a straight line is proving a little tricky for this novice...

Anyhoo, my eldest daughter loved my heart attempt, and went to bed cuddling 'Mummy's heart'... I now just have to make one for my other little one... after all, they both share it...

Hoping you are all having a beautiful week! 


  1. Ooh, Laura, I'm so pleased you're back - you have been missed! And I'm delighted to see how quickly you've taken to sewing. I want to learn, too. You really seem to be deriving a great deal of pleasure from it. Good for you! J x

  2. Laura- I love the bunting and your heart. Way to go! I haven't done much sewing in probably as long and want to get back into it, too. your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful!

  3. So glad you had a relaxing time. Love the bunting! It looks great over your door.

  4. Beautiful bunting! Well done you! Looks like those Home Ec classes paid off.

    My daughter is now doing the 21st century versions of Home Ec; "Food Technology" and "Textiles" are the fancy new names!!

    Best wishes,

  5. oh i L.O.V.E your bunting...&
    i L.O.V.E you....
    that was just about the sweetest thing i've ever read....mummys heart....

    i thinkk a mummy's hear is a little squishy...uneven...& snuggle-able too...
    you don't need straight sides!!!

    melissa xxx

  6. Oh how gorgeous is that bunting....and the heart. You've done an amazing job. X

  7. Oh I remember home ec! I actually made a blazer back then. Love the bunting. You seemed to have gotten your sewing skills back!

  8. your little heart is so sweet...gorgeous sewing!

  9. Sweet! How i wish i could make a pot of tea for us and you could teach me what you've learned... sewing is on my bucket list of "must learn one day"

  10. I love the heart, and only you would point out that it's not in a straight line. It looks gorgeous as does the bunting. I need to learn to sew... when I find some time! :)

  11. beautiful bunting & that heart is gorgeous ♥

    I started my christmas bunting and am now inspired to get it finished!

    happy friday to you ♥


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