Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Friday Flower & Some Repurposed Oil Bottles

Friday... I still get that Friday feeling, even though the day job just runs into the weekend and right back out the other side... Perhaps it's because the hubby is around to share the load... or because it became ingrained into me... there was nothing like switching off that PC on a Friday afternoon and leaving the pile of reports on my desk... Ironic that now the weekend means that I have a chance sit on the laptop, catching up on events in Blogland.... Speaking of  Blogland, I would like to thank Brenda for so very kindly mentioning me in her wonderful blog... I really can't thank her enough... and so, my Friday Flower is dedicated to Brenda this week...

I was feeling a purple flower today, although my daughter declared these too purple... I hope you like them... they got a little crumpled too, as my youngest got a hold of them in the store, while I was  busy looking for a lost toy (yes, there were lots of tears... because of the lost toy.. not the flowers)...
It did mean that after she had 'dead headed' them for me, there were fewer to work with...

I used the oil and vinegar bottles that I picked up at the sidewalk sale the other week... at last, I now have a use for them... If I had a decent size windowsill, I would have popped them on that... I never thought that a windowsill would be an advantage to living in a brick house; but once you don't have them you sure miss them...

Anyhoo,  here they are in my tiny bathroom... A little bit of 'pretty' in this space... and boy does it need it!

If you want to join in with this week's Friday Flower, there's a Linky Widget at the bottom of the post. I'd love to see your flowers and, as my friend always says, 'there's no such thing as a bad flower'... so, let's share the love!

I'm also linking up with the lovely Melissa. She posts the most amazing pictures... so much so,  that she makes me homesick for Blighty...

Have a great weekend everyone... and take care!

Want to join in with a Friday Flower? Post a link to your page here...


  1. Thank you for letting me join the party! Hopefully I'll have more in the future to contribute. I need to get ready for my inlaws (here any minute) so off I go :)Have a GREAT weekend, Laura


  2. i love your flowers in those bottles, so cute!

  3. I'm wondering how to take my flower down from last week?

  4. Hi Laura!
    I'm so busy these days (just came back from a quick trip to the netherlands and the start of moving everything from one house to another), so my FF for today didn't make it! Next week I will post another one (BTW, I had also a purple flower for today, it's a beautiful fall color). Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Laura, you're so very welcome! Thanks for the kind words. I already love your blog. I've been out all morning, so I'm a little late to the party. I just linked up.

  6. Hi! Visiting by way of Brenda at Cozy Little House. I understand why she likes your blog and you have a real talent for writing. Best and please come to ButtermilkCottage for a visit sometime!

  7. Hi Laura,
    I adore your blog! And these purple flowers speak to my heart today for some reason. Thank you for sharing, hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Hi Laura..
    I've just joined as a new follower..
    thanks to Brenda at A Cozy House ..
    I've followed her lead by introducing you to another group of friends..
    Welcome to Blogland!!!!..
    I'm also joining in Friday Flowers..
    you'll be seeing more of me each week..
    with flowers..and my beachy stuff.
    please stop by my place ..
    warm sandy hugs..
    ps,, would be nice if you could eliminate the word verification really annoys those wanting to comment ♥

  9. Just visiting via Brenda and wanted to say hello and that your blog is lovely! I think I'm your newest follower. Wishing you a very blessed weekend and stop by when you can.


  10. Beautiful flowers and I love how you've arranged them! Nice to meet you.....I came over from Loui's.

  11. I love your writing style and have a feeling that I will be back as often as I can. I can just imagine the scene in the grocery store! Be in good cheer - they grow up far to quickly! I'm off to look around your rooms! Hugs, Patti

  12. Hi there, thanks for stopping by and paying me a visit. I always love to meet new bloggers. Your blog is so charming and I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. The grass can look greener on the other side but it rarely is. Enjoy your girls every minute of every day, because in a flash they will be all grown up. I love your display of purple flowers in the vinigar pretty!

  13. That cute I love how you put the flowers in finish wine bottles. Such a great unqiue idea.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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