Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Puppies and clovers...

Hello there. It's been a while, hasn't it? But, I can confirm that I am still here in this crazy blogosphere...
I'm not going to get into the, 'I am a bad blogger' yada yada... you know it, I know it... let's just say I've been crazy busy and move swiftly on...
Anyhoo, what has little old me been up to these past months, I hear you ask (you didn't? Nevermind, I'll tell you anyway)... Well, what with decorating, gardening, teaching my eldest to read (proud mummy moment), we also added to our little brood... No, no... don't get your knickers in a twist. I haven't been busy making babies in my absence, but I have been nursing a little pup... (not literally of course because that would just be out and out gross)... I have been cuddling, wiping up lots of pee-pees (and poops), walking and fussing over our new pup, Lucy. Jeez she's cute...

So, while cooing over said puppy, my blogging time went on the back burner. But, today, I dusted off the old keyboard and thought to share a little moment of my life with you...
My eldest found this four-leaf clover today...

...she then swiftly lost it... I was a tad disappointed, but she simply replied, 'Don't worry, mummy. I'll find another'... I then proceeded to tell her that, when I was her age, I, too, found a four-leaf clover. My mum pressed it in a huge dictionary where it still resides today. I have looked for another four-leaf clover since and to this day (over 30 years later), and I have yet to find another... The moral of the story being that she probably won't find another (I know, I'm a mum that bursts the bubble).
She proved me wrong, as later that day, while playing in the garden, she only went and found another four-leaf clover!!! Moral of the story... if you believe it, it will happen!
Keep smiling!


  1. your pup is just darling! I'm sure that house training keeps you busy, that and looking for four leaf clover. Aren't they supposed to be a sign of good luck? Wow, she should be set for awhile! Nice to see you are well...take care..;j

  2. Oh Sweetheart, it's so wonderful to have you back here again - I've missed you! Lucy is truly a cutie. But the story of the four-leaf clover (as we call them in Australia) takes the cake. How utterly fabulous! I do hope you're pressing version #2 in your own big dictionary ☺. J x

  3. Glad to hear all your news! It sounds like you have been having a wonderful time with your family. Lucy is so sweet too-I can see why blogging was not a priority!

    I hope the clover is a sign that only happiness and good things will be coming to you and your lovely family this Spring!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  4. Four leaf clovers and puppies? Have you actually become Mary Poppins?!! I jest - welcome to dog island - as a good friend said to me when we got a puppy. It will be one of the best decisions you ever made. And the pee pee incidents; they do become history fairly quickly. Glad to 'see' you in blogland. Lou x

  5. Sounds like you have been busy. I still have the one and only 4 leaf clover in the dictionary also.

  6. Lucy is such a cutie pie. More pics please!
    Wow, love the 4 leaf clover story. What good luck!!

  7. Hey there Laura, lovely to hear from you. The pups gorgeous...I would love a pet...but as we are renting on the other side of the world from wouldn't be a good idea...trouble is the cat across the road is pregnant...bit worried about wanting/needing a kitten when they arrive...have never not had a cat in the house...I'm enjoying the beautiful spring weather here in England, hope you are too in your neck of the woods! Robx

  8. Great post Laura, just adore the puppy!! wow finding a four leaf clover, so lucky have you got a lottery ticket?! ;)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  9. Oh look at that little face and bed hair!!! Lucy is just too cute. We too have decided to add another four legs to our family so are on the hunt for another chocolate cocker spaniel. Madness I tell you!

    I have never, in all my forty years, found a four leaf clover and that's not through lack of looking. Am green with envy. ;-)

    Lovely to see you back.

    Heather x

  10. This is SO funny - I was seduced by your header - a tray with a cup of tea and a magazine - my idea of HEAVEN - somehow I knew that you would be British! I have just returned from a prolonged blogging absence, and did indeed write a post apologising for being such a bad blogger (I know - yada, yada, yada!)and guess what contributed to being away from the blogsphere for so long? You guessed it (among other things) a new puppy! Lovely to have found you, looking forward to reading your story from the start!

  11. What a cute puppy. They can be so time consuming but so much fun.
    Love the 4 leaf clover and that your daughter found another.
    Happy Spring.

  12. Lovely to see your back, you were missed. What an adorable puppy have lots of fun with him and I expect the children love him.
    4 leaf clover I have never found one, you will have to keep the one she found like your mum did.
    Look forward to more posts.

  13. Hi Laura!
    So good to see you back blogging! Oh my, Lucy is indeed so cute! (we miss our Mackenzie still everyday, so you enjoy her, puppy time flies by!)
    I never, ever have found a four leaf clover, so hold on to that one, glad all is well on your end, enjoy the rest of the week!

  14. Lucy is seriously and ridiculously cute... you HAVE to post more photos and tell us more.
    Congrats to big girl on the reading - it's a big deal to both of you, well done.
    I remember finding a four leaf clover when I was in primary school and each time I see any I always look for one.... no luck stherefor me either.
    Really pleased to see you back in the land of blog!

  15. Your puppy is a wee beaut, just gorgeous. It sounds like you have been having a busy time of it from all sides - this is the time for making memories with family. And puppy.

  16. Congratulations on your new addition!! Lucy is precious! I love your four leaf clover story :) XOLaura

  17. Your new little puppy is darling! Lucy is one lucky girl!!! Sweet story about the four leaf clover...I'm a beliver!!!

  18. Hello my sweet friend - I too have missed you since moving back to link to you - even when you were not here blogging, was that I was living in your home land....

    Since being back on the beaches- I've no link and just plain missed you!

    We have added a Miss.Lola puppy to our family too- she's now about 18 weeks...time consuming, loving, crazy...loved- we are both on the same boat at the moment!

    I've just had Lola at the beach racing through a dog friendly part of the heaven!

    A special four leaf clover- I too remember finding my first - and even think we kept it in the family dictionary for years also...and how good does it feel when one of your babies *reads* you something...grinning from ear to ear I know!

    Huge hugs- Melissa xxx

  19. What a sweet little puppy and what a lucky find i always look out for 4 leafed clover x

  20. Tell your little one not to fret. In my blessings-full, long, life I have found a total of 4 four-leaf clover. It is possible. Always expect the unexpected-in a good way, of course. Hope springs eternal. Did you know that NJ produces the most writers of any state? I see a published book looming there on the grand horizon. I will be anxious to read what you write.

  21. Really nice blog!
    Greetings from Poland ✿ܓ

  22. The kids most love Lucy. My mom loves to cuddle our dog too.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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