Hello there. It's been a while, hasn't it? But, I can confirm that I am still here in this crazy blogosphere...
I'm not going to get into the, 'I am a bad blogger' yada yada... you know it, I know it... let's just say I've been crazy busy and move swiftly on...
Anyhoo, what has little old me been up to these past months, I hear you ask (you didn't? Nevermind, I'll tell you anyway)... Well, what with decorating, gardening, teaching my eldest to read (proud mummy moment), we also added to our little brood... No, no... don't get your knickers in a twist. I haven't been busy making babies in my absence, but I have been nursing a little pup... (not literally of course because that would just be out and out gross)... I have been cuddling, wiping up lots of pee-pees (and poops), walking and fussing over our new pup, Lucy. Jeez she's cute...
So, while cooing over said puppy, my blogging time went on the back burner. But, today, I dusted off the old keyboard and thought to share a little moment of my life with you...
My eldest found this four-leaf clover today...
...she then swiftly lost it... I was a tad disappointed, but she simply replied, 'Don't worry, mummy. I'll find another'... I then proceeded to tell her that, when I was her age, I, too, found a four-leaf clover. My mum pressed it in a huge dictionary where it still resides today. I have looked for another four-leaf clover since and to this day (over 30 years later), and I have yet to find another... The moral of the story being that she probably won't find another (I know, I'm a mum that bursts the bubble).
She proved me wrong, as later that day, while playing in the garden, she only went and found another four-leaf clover!!! Moral of the story... if you believe it, it will happen!
Keep smiling!