Monday, November 14, 2011

A life worth living...

So, it's been a while hasn't it?
So long, that I am now sat here all tongue-tied, as though it were my first ever post... My first entry into 'Blogland'... so long, that as I tap out these words, there's a sense of awkwardness... I equate it to when you have every intention of sending 'Thank you' cards, but then life sweeps you up and you're caught in this time period where it's been left so long, you don't know whether to skulk under a rock and forget about sending them altogether, or just to bite the bullet and send them... after all, a late 'thank you' is better than no 'thank you' at all isn't it??

Well, I have that proverbial bullet gritted between my teeth (alas, if I were to do this my poor teeth would crumble under the stress... they can barely manage a Granny Smith these days) and here I am... tapping away to anyone passing by...

But what to say?? Well, I think the very first thing I should do is send a big 'thank you' to all who contacted me... I was here, just hiding.. scared to open the lines of communication... scared to share, when I wasn't in the right frame of mind... and so, instead I licked my wounds quietly in the corner... My blog became something I needed a break from while I sorted a few things out... They're still being sorted, but I don't want to skulk under that rock anymore... I have, once again, reminded myself of all the things in my life that make me smile...

... like a beautiful sun-filled day in my Autumnal garden... Where roses still bloom, bathing their delicate petals in the warm orange glow. Where trees cling onto their leaves as they gently rustle in the cool breeze (a precursor to the harsh winds that will whip through in a few weeks time)... Sat in the garden today, I smiled... a big smile... because I do have a lot to smile about... I just need to remind myself of that from time to time... and, even though I've not been feeling my usual chipper self of late, sometimes you just need to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and live life... every facet it of it... the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Anyhoo, I'll let you get off... I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for popping by, showing you care, and getting me out from under that rock!

Take care.


  1. I think that's the good thing about blogland, we are always here if you take s break. No need to worry about that. I hope all is well :)

  2. sometimes getting out from under and dusting yourself off seems impossible...been there. If we can remember to look at the little things and enjoy the moment I think that we can slowly get back out into the light. Take your time...we are here.

  3. Hey, i have missed your posts and am trying to read between your lines and hoping you are ok. I too have had one of those years. Infact round about Easter the bunny brought me more than i cared to accept but accept i did and deal i did, completely differently to the way i had always expected and now life goes on and around me are signs of those that chose different routes, separetely while we continue ours together and for that i am greatful. Here's to up up up :)

  4. So lovely to see you back Laura. Keep smiling,

  5. Hi Laura, I was wondering about's one thing about blogging; it acts as a barometer of someone's life. So when there is low pressure, there is a change; and in your case an absence. I hope all is well - I know what it's like to have something consuming going on in the background (or foreground). You need to give it its space and then come back as and when you like. We'll still be here :-) Lou x

  6. i am certainly glad to see you back on here, laura. your blog is such a peaceful place to visit and your words are always beautiful. sometimes we need these little "me" breaks to recharge and rejuvenate. it's a blessed, sacred time to ourselves, and one you certainly deserved:)

  7. Sometimes it is good to have a break, and I am so pleased to see you back, life can be a little toughI know keep smiling.

  8. Glad you're back! and I hear you, I've these weeks too..indeed, smile and the rest will fall into place right? cheers, Maureen

  9. So glad to see you are blogging again...I have missed your postings, and I'm sorry you are having a struggle. Thank you for sharing:-)

  10. It's so good to hear from you - you were missed! I'm so thankful that you put the tardy thank you note dilemma into words . . . that's the thing about this kind of writing, I didn't know I wasn't the only one who felt that way. ;)

  11. Yea! What a great surprise to open my email and see a post from you. I am so glad you are 'back'. Your post was very cryptic - I hope all is okay. Have a great week :) XOLaura

  12. I must admit that I opened a few minutes ago my mailbox to see that I had 67 unread messages (that's how late I'm) but I opened yours first as I had been wondering what you had been up to. Thanks for this honest post, and I guess I have the same kind to write on my own blog, I just don't know how...

  13. Life does feel like an uphill struggle sometimes.... and some things call for taking time out to feel what we must in order to move ahead. I wish you beauty to your days, a warm hug and a soothing cup of tea sweet friend. It was nice to see a message fro/ you today,

  14. Hi Laura I've never commented on any blog before despite lurking for nearly a year but had to say how lovely it is to see you back again. Hope things are getting better for you. Take care

  15. HELLO gorgeous friend....

    I haven't been *passing by*- I've been positively stalking this here blog waiting for you...

    Did my stalking emails freak you out :) ?

    Hope you are back for a while hon & know that yes I totally understand that need for being thankful and recognising just how blessed we are no matter what's going on...

    Love you being back...Melissa xxx

  16. Nice to see you again. I do hope you are OK. sounds like you are climbing a few mountains. If you can find something to smile about each day and feel some gratitude and self love, you will come out the other end. Jane x

  17. Oh Sweetheart. I am *so* delighted to see you back here with us again. I have truly missed your bubbly presence. No need to apologise - life comes first and then blogging second, no question.

    I do hope life behind the scenes is sorting itself out and that you're back to your chipper self again soon. Well done for posting off your thankyou note!

    J x

  18. Hi Laura, sorry for the late comment....have been MIA myelf lately...don't know why...just needed a break (a bit homesick really)...anyway, I'm very happy to see you back and see from Melissa's blog that you are moving back to Blighty...that put a smile on my face as I would love to meet you one day perhaps. However, I hope all is well and that this is a positive thing for you. Melissa, on the other hand, is moving back to Oz and we will try to meet in Sydney one day as I don't think she has time to meet up here in the month she has's so lovely, the prospect of meeting up, face to face with blog friends...Enjoy the Christmas season, Laura and I look forward to your usual lively posts! Robx

  19. Welcome back (at your leisure.)


  20. What - bloggers are humans, too? Thank you for being faithful to your own need to take a break while you sorted things out; there's no shame in that, nor in getting caught up in life and forgetting the thank you cards! We've all been there.
    I'm glad you've reminded yourself of all the things to smile about; it looks like there's a beautiful little world outside your rock. Thank you for coming out to share it with us. See you around!

  21. Hi Laura, just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope that you and your family are well. I look forward to hearing from you via your blog in the new year. Take care! Robx


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