Thursday, June 2, 2011

Friday Flower and a sneak peek...

I told you I'd be back and, as it's Friday, I just had to post a Friday Flower. While on blogging hiatus, I had stopped my weekly tradition of bringing blooms into our home and, I have to say, there was definitely some sparkle missing around this old place.

The garden is in a transition phase at the moment, as the spring flowers give way to the showy blooms of summer. Even though their petals are tightly-wrapped, I know it's only a matter of a week or so before my hydrangeas display all their beauty... and, let me tell you, I have quite a number of hydrangeas packed into my little garden, so I'm itching to see them in all their glory! Most were picked up and planted at the end of last summer... taking full advantage of the end of season sales. It's always touch-and-go when I do this each year, as I hope that they have established themselves before the onslaught of winter... but, hey, enough of this talk of winter... It's June, the sun is shining, the sandals are on, and the freezer is stacked with juice pops!

Anyhoo, while I patiently await the hydrangea arrival, I popped to the supermarket for this week's Friday Flower and picked up these... not from my garden, but beautiful all the same... I just love the delicate shade of pink (yep, the girls picked the flowers this week)...
... and, this week, my flower is dedicated to all you lovelies... Thank you so much for sticking with me while I've been away and a B-I-G thank you to all my new followers. You guys jumped on board during the lean times, and that just warms my heart. I hope to keep you with me... I so enjoy this little tete-a-tete we have....

Oh, and next week, I'll be showing you the old kitchen cabinets... that's them, there in the background... want a closer look? Check back next week!
Take care all and have a great weekend!

If you would like to share a bloom inspired post, simply click on the linky widget below, linking to your post. Everyone loves a flower!


  1. Laura, they're not the old kitchen cabinets in the background, they are the beautiful new ones :)
    Love the pink hydrangeas

  2. Laura i am peeking a look through these pretty pink flowers and i love what i see! The cabinets look beautiful!
    I'll be back next week to see it!!!
    Pamela xo

  3. Your hydrangeas are SO pretty!! That gorgeous colour would look lovely on my kitchen table :)

  4. Bloomin' happy you're back and also love the hydrangeas!
    xo Cathy

  5. So lovely to have you back blogging. I'm also looking forward to seeing the fruit of your labour with the kitchen cabinets. I had forgotten about it and when I saw the last photo was just thinking to myself what a nice kitchen you had...then I read on. Can't wait to see properly.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Oh I'm sorry Laura I think I messed things up a bit, it didn't seem to be linking ... hopefully you can sort it out your end.

    Anyway your Hydrangeas are so pretty, I love all the greys you use x

  7. what pretty pink hydrangeas such a soft dreamy colour

  8. what a beautiful posy!! Have a great day x

  9. Those hydrangeas are a gorgeous colour. Likeing the look of those units too! Have a great weekend! It's boiling hot here!! Abby X

  10. Ooo the hydrangea are such a soft color. They are just lovely!

    Your kitchen cabinets are looking great!! I know how you feel with the frustration of painting them.. we just painted our oak cabinets this past winter. We both work full time, so we started in October, and didn't finish until February. It's a great feeling when they're done -- can't wait to see them up close. :)


  11. Welcome back! Those hydrangeas are such a beautiful shade of pink. I love them! Like yours, my garden is bursting into life, now that June is here. Let's hope we all have a wonderful, relaxed summer in front of us!

  12. Hydrangeas are simply the best, oh, and so are peonies, but I have neither in my yard unfortunately. I'll just enjoy your bloom today.


  13. gorgeous, Laura! i love hydrangeas! they are all i carried at my wedding...just a single stem for each bridesmaid and a little bouquet for me. the bush behind our house just exploded over the weekend while we were gone to the beach. it was just lovely to come home to. have a beautiful, blessed weekend!

  14. laura, like you, i love the delicate blush of color in these hydrangeas! and they look silken, so gorgeous! cannot wait to see your old kitchen cabinets but for now, wishing you a great weekend!

  15. I'm so glad Friday Flower is back :) How I love your hydrangea photos! XOL

  16. Just found your blog it's lovely
    Helen xx

  17. Love your hydrangeas, one of my favorite flowers.

  18. Welcome back's lovely to see you 'out and about' in blogland again! Robx

  19. Helllo!!! Hello!!! So nice to see you back!!! Beautiful blooms and your kitchen peak is very exciting!! Happy weekend dear friend,

  20. Hydrangeas are one of my favourite flowers, I can't wait for them to begin blooming here. Those ones you bought are such a beautiful colour! My flowers were Thursday flowers, but they still looked good on Friday so thought I'd share anyway ;) x

  21. Hello Laura! Lovely to see you. It's also lovely to see those gorgeous hydrangeas. Mine are looking very sad and gloomy at the moment so it's nice to see what they might look like when summer arrives!

    Take care and best wishes for a beautiful week.

  22. hello lovely....
    these are just gorgeous
    your little kitchen view snuggled in behind this jug of hydrangeas looks gorgeous!

    Soooooo nice to have you back!



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