Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm back...

Hello there,
It's been awhile, hasn't it? I've been off enjoying the delights of England in the springtime... My favourite time of the year back home.

There's a quintessentially English spring-time smell. What it is, I don't know... maybe the Hawthorne... but, whatever it is, I breathed deep lung-fills of it.

I was blessed with sunshine, and really got to see my home in all it's beautiful glory... so much so that I landed here in the States with a bit of a heavy heart... and a bad back, but that was from dealing with a tantruming child for 8 hours on the plane... Yes, I am the Mummy that you just dread being placed next to... apologies if you were the (rather smart) lady sat behind me that had a cheese stick thrown at your head and orange juice spilt on your fancy bag... kids, eh?

Anyhoo, I'm back in a bit of a jet-lagged haze... mulling over what stories to tell you and what projects to get finished... or started... The hubby is home for a week, so I fully plan on utilising this time, letting him reacquaint himself with his daughters, while I just 'do'...

Good to chat to you again... I've missed our little conflabs.
Take care.


  1. It is SO good to have you back. Blogworld is not the same without you!!!!!
    And, oh yes, my grandkiddies are back too :)

  2. It's nice to see you back -

    Look forward to hearing your stories, & I think you should have a gold medal for taking a small person on a plane for 8 hours, my nerves would be shattered!


  3. Welcome back! Glad you had a good English Spring break. Abby x

  4. Yeah - you're back safe and sound, and sounds like a fun visit! With the exception of the plane ride. Looking forward to hearing details once you recoup from jet lag.
    xo Cathy

  5. England in spring, ahh. Such beautiful photos, with the narrative of your adventures. I've been the mom on the plane, getting dark looks. Glad you survived.

  6. welcome back, laura! you were missed for sure!

  7. Hi Laura!
    Welcome back honey! Looking forward to see your stories and enjoy this hubby-is-home-time, hugs from me to you,
    Maureen x

  8. Good to have you back! Lovely photos of England in the springtime! Of course, I live here all the time and it certainly is looking pretty good at the moment. I don't envy you being on the plane for 8 hours with a little one!!

  9. Welcome back! You must have been so sad to leave.
    Hopefully the weather gets better here for all of us.
    Can't wait to hear about your trip!

    Funny about the cheese string :)!

  10. Welcome home. We missed you.

    Hope the jetlag is over quickly.


  11. Welcome back! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy all the delights and memories of home! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your photos, as I enjoyed these so well. Get some rest!

  12. hello my gorgeous friend....i have missed you well know!
    it has been gorgeous here in ol'blighty...hasn't it!
    we have my brother and sister in law here, with our 2 nices from oz, and we bbq-ued yesterday it was so glorious in the sunshine!!

    email me when you get a moment to just *be*...and i sent you a blog award- about the day you left...tee hee- that will make you read back on my posts!
    huge hugs....m xxx

  13. Welcome back!! Looking forward to seeing pics and hearing stories!
    As for the child and a plane, it goes with the territory, I think!

  14. Oh dear, that does not sounds like a fun plane ride AT ALL!! It must have been lovely to visit England :)

  15. Welcome home! That is a dreadfully long boring flight. Funny story, though

    Lovely photos! We are away for the break - England is so beautiful right now I hated to leave ;) Easier to leave in February

    So glad you were able to take a trip home - you must be a happy camper

  16. Oh, goodie, I have missed you, Laura. Enjoy just 'being' for a while! J x

  17. So glad you're back, I've missed your chats. Love the photo's, hoping to visit England sometime myself, might even take the GKB with me (I'd hate to leave him behind really)hopefully timed to see the bluebell woods in full bloom.

  18. I've been missing you, I say that over a nice cup of tea, of course.

  19. Glad you had a lovely trip home.
    Hope the jet-lag is soon gone.....
    put the kettle on

  20. Welcome back! oh my i'd have a heavy heart too!!! I still am reliving my trip to England and was just so lovely i can't wait to go back and do it all over again! Your week ahead sounds lovely.... husband home, relaxing...enjoy sweet friend,

  21. So glad you had a good time. Hope you are going to tell us what you did. xxxxx

  22. The pics with the daffs
    is amazing! Welcome
    home. I'm on my way
    home from Texas and
    my hubby says it is
    snowing; boo! I applaud
    you for surviving your
    trip with little ones. It
    is tough on such a long
    xx Suzanne

  23. Welcome back! Glad you had a wonderful time! ;)

  24. thank you laura for visiting my blog today. i left you a long comment letting you know exactly what i do to my roses. i should have included it in the post. i never think of these things til someone smart asks. oh well, i hope it helps. i know nothing of new jersey's climate though. now i'm off to take a look around here, it looks lovely already.


  25. I am now jealous. But the pain subsides being as you have shared some delightful photos of your trip. So thank you :) xxx tami

  26. Oh Laura, it's tough isn't it...leaving home to come home??...that's it isn't it...where's home?? I'm always very tired and emotional when I get back to England after visiting Aus...simply don't want to be here for a week after I get back and have left my two eldest kids at home. The jet lag is a killer after a 22 hour flight and it seems to be worse coming this way. But after a week, I start to fall back in love with England again and I'm o.k.Robx
    p.s. still in bed with the computer on my lap, catching up on blogs.


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