Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Flower & a right royal knees-up...

Okay, I was supposed to post this last night, but preparations for our Royal Wedding Tea Party ran over...

As I just missed out on the action back in Blighty, I figured I would bring a little of the Blighty hullabaloo to New Jersey. Granted, it's not the same as the street party I experienced as a child for Charles and Diana's wedding day, but I didn't want the day to pass by unnoticed by my little ones. To this day, I still remember the build-up to our street party... making the decorations, hanging the bunting, and then, the wonderful party which followed.

On the day of the wedding, our telly blew up, so we all sat around a neighbour's and watched the ceremony before spilling out onto the cul-de-sac and partying...

Oh, the memories... I dressed as a fairy for a fancy dress party and we still laugh at the pictures of me, with my skinny legs encased in white tights... ahhh, good times...

Anyhoo, now that we have watched and celebrated, and (between you and I) shed a little tear, I can now share my belated Friday Flower with you...

... beautiful and simple snapdragons... it won't be long before I'll be planting these in our garden to enjoy all summer long, but for now, I'll take them in the kitchen...
Today's Friday Flower is dedicated to Deborah over at A Fisherman's Cottage. The title immediately had me hooked. I couldn't think of anything more romantic than living in a little fisherman's cottage in one of my favourite places... Norfolk... and then, added to this is the fact that she takes beautiful pictures of her wonderful cottage, flowers, and anything else that takes her fancy... each picture, so beautifully put together and inspiring...  Her blog is a must-read, and I guarantee if you pop over, you'll be just as enamoured with The Fisherman's Cottage, as I am.

Righty-o, I best get off as I have a weekend jam-packed with beach clean-ups and painting (naturally), but, before I leave, I just have to say how my heart swelled with pride as I watched my beloved country come together and celebrate such a beautiful occasion. It really was a treat to watch every last minute of it... and, as the BBC news anchor ended the show, my youngest daughter turned to me and said 'It's the happy-ever-after part, Mummy'... cue small tear rolling down my cheek...

Sorry there's no opportunity to link up this week folks, but for some reason I was unable to get the linky widget to work... apologies!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A day in the garden...

Hello there,
I was planning on posting on Sunday night, but I've been knuckling down with the painting of the kitchen cabinets... I think I've mentioned this project before... cough, cough... So, the bases are all ready and awaiting the completion of the doors.... I've got to say, though, that when I started out this job, I really didn't take into account just how tedious a task it would be. Needless to say, come Sunday morning, I was in the 'it will just have to do' frame of mind, desperate to get in the garden, enjoy the sun, and hunt for Easter eggs...

My wise owl, nestled behind some creeping phlox...
Our garden is ever-evolving... when we moved in, it was bereft of any plants... not even a stick... nothing, nada. In those days, it was the 'yard.' But, over the years, we have attempted to create a 'garden'... it sounds so much better to have a cup of tea in the garden than to sit in the yard... the latter conjures up images of sitting outside a terrace-house up north, surrounded by concrete, and a coal bunker at the back... not that I'm knocking this, as I spent many an hour in a yard just like that growing up in Nottingham!

Apple blossom... here's hoping for apples!
 Anyhoo, while away in Blighty, the hubby procured a ginormous swing set for the back of the garden... now, I did have romantic notions of a summerhouse there, complete with bunting and sling deckchairs, but the kiddies come first... so, that idea will have to go on the back burner until they are  older, we move, or we acquire more land... whichever comes first... for now, though, it serves it's purpose... the girls are occupied for hours while I potter around the garden, and that is something you can't put a price on!

The plastic chairs are a stop gap, until we get our Adirondack beauties!
Oh, and while pottering this past Easter weekend, I popped in some Forget-Me-Nots.... these grow like weeds all over my brother's garden in Blighty, sprouting up in any crack, giving off a lovely display of delicate blue flowers. While in the UK, my eldest daughter became quite enamoured by the beauty of the little Forget-Me-Not, so much so that, while at our local garden centre, she actually spotted them and correctly named them.... I guess they are a flower that you just can't forget... (get it? too lame?) Anyways, in attempting to foster a love of plants in her, we picked some up and planted them in the raised bed between the two gardens. A permanent reminder of our trip back home.

I popped a few pictures of our garden on here today, but we are currently in the process of digging up a lawn at the moment and replacing it with gravel (I'm not a lawn lass, as I just haven't the time or the know-how to maintain one). When that task has been completed, I'll share some more pictures of our little English garden... but before that, I best crack on with those cabinets...
Tulips standing to attention and a honeysuckle to attract the hummingbirds in the summer...
Ta ta for now...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday Flower returns...

Hello there, lovelies...
I'd like to say I achieved a lot this week, but the old jet-lag really took it's toll on me... so, I've done nothing more than mooch around, take the kiddies on a bike ride, a spot of gardening and a little bit of baking... it's good to be back at the helm and serving up dinner again. I actually missed dishing out food to my very appreciative husband... I think he missed it, too ;-)

The old house is looking a little dishevelled at the moment... partly due to my landing and unpacking all my goodies from England... even though this little old place is pretty much tapped out on space, I still managed to haul even more stuff across the Atlantic on the premise that I would simply find space for it on my return... that's where I'm becoming a little unstuck, as there just isn't any. So, for now, my kitchen counter tops have that cluttered look, but what the heck, I think that's the look I'm going for anyway...

Anyhoo, I added more jobs to my ever growing list of things I need to achieve / complete... of course, the kitchen cabinets are still midway through... the garden now needs tending to and I picked up some dotty fabric in the UK to make a Roman blind for the back door... the hubby has laid down the law, though, and said that no new projects can be started until the kitchen is completed... the "open shelf" look is beginning to grate, I think...

Well, I'm starting to waffle, so I'll wrap up this post by telling you that these lovely blooms were my welcome home bunch from the hubby... he's such a sweetie... and the jug is one of my trans-Atlantic finds, although no money was transferred for this (the best type of purchase), as this was my grandma's. Apparently, it used to sit underneath her kitchen sink. It was on it's way to the charity shop until I salvaged it out of the box... along with some other treasures... seriously, an afternoon in my Mum's attic is the best day spent thrifting!
Okay, chicks, wishing you all a beautiful, relaxing weekend. If in Blighty, enjoy the Easter break and sunshine... a rare gift!
Catch you next week.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm back...

Hello there,
It's been awhile, hasn't it? I've been off enjoying the delights of England in the springtime... My favourite time of the year back home.

There's a quintessentially English spring-time smell. What it is, I don't know... maybe the Hawthorne... but, whatever it is, I breathed deep lung-fills of it.

I was blessed with sunshine, and really got to see my home in all it's beautiful glory... so much so that I landed here in the States with a bit of a heavy heart... and a bad back, but that was from dealing with a tantruming child for 8 hours on the plane... Yes, I am the Mummy that you just dread being placed next to... apologies if you were the (rather smart) lady sat behind me that had a cheese stick thrown at your head and orange juice spilt on your fancy bag... kids, eh?

Anyhoo, I'm back in a bit of a jet-lagged haze... mulling over what stories to tell you and what projects to get finished... or started... The hubby is home for a week, so I fully plan on utilising this time, letting him reacquaint himself with his daughters, while I just 'do'...

Good to chat to you again... I've missed our little conflabs.
Take care.