Friday, February 4, 2011

Running with the pack...

When a friend first told me about blogging, I was a bit baffled by it... who would be interested in reading about someone else's day-to-day life? Years later, I sat at home nursing my newborn, and I suddenly felt very isolated and alone... I felt I no longer had a voice or anything else to offer society... That was when I first made my blog entry. My electronic diary... That was back in the dark days, when I was learning to be a mother in a foreign country... dealing with the overwhelming feeling of homesickness, coupled with the raging hormones of a new mother... I only made a handful of entries and, reading back on them, I can feel my loneliness...

Fast forward a few years and another baby later and, this time, I felt I wanted to share again... but it would be more positive this time around, as I had a life and ideas I wanted share... and so, 'A Place for Tea' was born... and I don't think I have ever looked back.
Through this blog, I have met some amazing individuals... People who inspire me, encourage me, and make me look at things in a different light. I feel I can rise to any challenge... these virtual friends are right there, running alongside me... they pick me up and brush me off when I am feeling low. They encourage me in all my endeavours, no matter how trivial. They share their ideas and want nothing in return, other than friendship. Through this blog I feel that I am running in a pack again...

Thank you...

And, with this in mind, I would dedicate my Friday Flower to a like to a lady named Cindy Sue. She writes a blog called My Craftiness Only Dollar Store Allowed. After reading her comment one day, I popped over to her blog and was instantly won over by the openness in her profile. She has just started her blog, documenting her craft projects on a $20 a month budget. I love the idea of that! I'm looking forward to seeing what she conjures up... I'm already planning on stealing her 'To Plant - Pin Board with Pockets'...

Anyhoo, if you get a chance, pop over. We could all do with a little encouragement so we feel we're running with the pack!

Have a great weekend, all!

If you would like to link up with this weeks Friday Flower, just use the linky widget below to link to your flower post.


  1. How sweet your story. I can imagine how hard that was for you with your first baby and not having your family around. I always tell my girls don't move too far from mom when you have kids but I know that is just me not wanting them to move away. Oh well one can hope. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I'm a new follower of your lovely blog and thought I'd share my flowers with you - bulbs are getting me through these last dark days of winter! Have a cosy weekend.

  3. So happy to be
    running alongside
    with you....Although
    we are at different
    stages of the journey,
    we are still running
    together : ) Lovely
    pics!! Am off now to
    visit your lucky recipient
    and say hello....
    xx Suzanne

  4. OK, so you got me. I sat here loving what I was reading, and relating, then you really had me when I read 'Cindy Sue'. You can credit the openness to being Southern, I think that translates to 'just talks a lot'... I am honored to be mentioned, I even found myself a little misty eyed as I read your lovely piece today, which we will credit to hormones. Thank you. It is most flattering to be running with a pack that you are in. Thanks Sweetie, you're a Doll!

  5. A lovely post - and I agree! Some lovely folks out there :) I'm loving Blogland!

  6. LOL - I don't run so fast anymore...but I'm trying to keep up! Always enjoy my stop here Laura!
    xo Cathy

  7. You have such a way about you that makes everyone love you, an openness that is so appealing. I'm so glad you came back to it so I could meet you through blogging! Can't wait for some flowers to bloom!

  8. A lovely message in this post, and I agree with sentiments. I will pop over to Cindy Sue now. Your flowers today and the little white stool are a gorgeous image. They look summery, which I know it is not for you.
    Have a great weekend Laura. Always a pleasure having tea with you. I'm having an EB right now. :) x

  9. Such a lovely post Laura, and I am so happy that you decided to blog again! There are so many sweet people out there, who as you say, inspire and encourage us and expect nothing in return. Those friendships are priceless. I have not had the pleasure of reading Cindy Sue's blog, but am off to have a peek :D Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Tina x

  10. I really appreciated sharing all you did in this post, I think you are also very open and real. I am sorry i didn't have a Friday flower to post on your linky. I blog about tea inside...oh well have a great weekend my dear and keep sharing your heart with us.

    Lisa @ Lesapea xx

  11. What a lovely post and a lovely way to acknowledge a new bloggger - I will be sure to pop over and visit. I too started blogging after years of reading blogs when I had a baby, it was a great way to 'use my brain for something non-baby related' and network with some many wonderful women.

  12. A lovely post and I agree with everything you have said. I too felt very lonely after my first and even found it hard after my second but now when at home I feel part of a network. G

  13. I am so glad we found each other :) The blogging community is such a supportive one XOL

  14. Oh, Sweetie, I'm so delighted to be running in your pack. That is a big statement for something who *detests* running, mind! But I do it gladly with you. And thanks for the heads-up on Cindy Sue - I'm heading over there right now! J x

  15. Hi lovely lady, so nice to meet you~~ Im also new at being a Blogger, Im your newest follower. I hope you can come join my Tablescapes sweet lady. I hope you and your family have a nice day and keep

  16. well hello lovely....just back from london..and blogged to early friday morning to link up with you...

    i too, am very happy to be running in your pack!
    very HAPPY you gave this blogging caper another go!!
    wouldn't be the same without you!

    huge hugs to you....going to check out your little invite of inspiration over at C.S's....

    melissa xx

  17. You are so right about how supportive bloggers can be - it is an incredible and inspiring community of people.
    Hope you're having a lovely week - Melissa x

  18. I'm not very good at running but am happy to plod and wheeze alongside you.
    What a lovely post xx


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