Thursday, February 10, 2011

Don't be fooled...

This past week, I sat in my living room... the sun was streaming through the windows... the paperwhite bulbs I have growing in planters on the desk were shooting up.. the birds were busy in the garden and the world just appeared that little bit brighter. I was on the phone to my mum and she too remarked that her garden was full of snowdrops... So, without stepping a foot outside, I decided it was Spring.
Gathered the girls up and left the warmth of home...

... and I was greeted by an icy blast... you know, the sort where you feel you could lose an appendage if you knocked into something... as the kids meandered around inside the car, I (outside in the cold, dressed for Spring) hopped from one foot to another, geeing them along, pleading with them to get into their car seats...QUICKLY!!

Winter is definitely still in full effect... granted, the snow has stopped, but there'll be no Spring bunnies hopping around yet... I guess I'd just got caught up in the moment and forgot that it is still February, after all...

Anyhoo, I'm not a girl to sit and accept things, so I figured I would create a little Spring here in the house... well, when I say 'create Spring', I actually mean I brought some Spring-like branches for the Friday Flower this week... I'm not sure what they are, but to me they ooze Spring... and so, I can sit here in my warm house, watch the birds, feel the sun, and pretend that Spring is here! Now, where's that bunny with my Cadbury's Mini Eggs?
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend... with just the right amount of warmth in it!

If you want to join in with this week's Friday Flower, just use the linky widget below... You know, flowers are a good cure for Winter blues...


  1. Hi Laura,
    They're lovely flowers, they almost look like a wild flower from the Scottish moors?
    I have almost forgotten that blast of cold where you can't get your breath...don't worry, when Spring decides to make an appearance you will appreciate it even more.
    Happy weekend. x

  2. Hi Laura, it is still odd to me to be hearing about seasons so different to ours here in Tassie, though we are yet to really eel like we are in summer! Your flowers are lovely. To answer your question, I use an iTouch and various camera apps to take most of my pics. Theses ones were using the Hipstamatic app. Very easy!
    ps why do I have typo's in everything, including my linky title!

  3. Hi Laura across the pond those flowers are known as wax flowers, I should know the botanical name as I am a qualified florist, but I can't remember it - getting a little forgetful with my years - lol. Keep warm - can you get mini eggs, cream eggs etc - I would be happy to post you some if you wish. I have a friend whose daughter lives in Portland, OR and she is always sending cadbury buttons for her and her children. LEt me know and ill happily pop some in the post. Then it really would feel like spring. TTFN - Debs X

  4. You won't really want to hear this, but I got up today and it looked sunny outside - I wondered, if I wrapped my dressing gown around me and kept my fluffy slippers on (get the picture?!), if I could risk trying to have breakfast outside in the garden - and I could and I did!! And it was actually quite warm! Yay! (Though tomorrow it's forecast heavy rain:( Have a lovely weekend x

  5. Oh, I know exactly the feeling you describe Laura - being impatient for spring is completely understandable. You probably now how the change in seasons is not so marked in Australia, but living in the UK - I am aboslutely desperate to get out in some warm sunshine by this time of the year!
    I love the purple flower you've picked for today - have a lovely weekend. Melissa xx

  6. Hi Laura,
    I know what you mean, it's still is cold outside but we had till yesterday a week of sunshine, so I was verry happy with that!
    I will not join this week with FF, but I love to look at your purple ones, feeling a bit more Spring-ish, enjoy your weekend!
    Maureen x

  7. I love how February here is early Spring - that is the BEST! So excited to be in your linky today - so fun when the posts align ;) Have a wonderful weekend! I promised I would stay off the computer and clean the house today - you can see how that's going so far :) XoL

  8. I know, all our UK
    friends are gloating
    over snow drops and
    the temps where I am
    have been SUB-ZERO a
    good part of the week!
    But, hooray, we may
    hit 40F next week : )
    Love your flowers....
    Stay cozy, my friend!
    xx Suzanne

  9. Lots of cold cold winds here in Roanoke too! At least the sun is out today and we are heading into a warm up this week-end... hip hip hooray!


  10. Hello there - I am not sure which I prefer - full on winter or rainy winter? I feel like we living here in DANK conditions in the South, no snowdrops to speak of yet. Nearly mini egg season though! Hurrah for that. Lou x

  11. hello lovely...

    i haven't done a friday flower for a bit i know...i seem to always be running a day behind everyone else!!

    your mum is enjoying her snowdrops too...lovely...i just posted a picture of spring appearing in our garden...

    i think like you...i am in dire need to the point that i too am starting to dress *inappropriately*!!

    i'm sure i'll catch up on my days when spring arrives...glad you didn't dress the gals for your mood!

    have a lovely weekend...melissa xx

  12. I know exactly what you are going through! I am from eastern Canada...freezing...but now have moved to the lovely south coast island of BC just like the Uk except warmer summers!
    I so enjoyed this post and love tea...a big fan of it so I will be back with a cup of tea
    to read your next post!
    Pamela :)

  13. hello Laura! i am so happy to find a girl after my own heart. I also love tea and books and moved around quite a bit. I just know I will be following your blog from now on.! Cheers!!!

  14. Laura, I really savor each sentence of your posts. Because you have a way of making even the mundane sound so interesting! I'm late for Friday Flower. It's Saturday afternoon. But today's when I got some blooms at the store. Heaven knows my garden is a winter shambles. So I just now linked up. Happy weekend!

  15. Lovely blog. I found you via Jill's blog (nicedayatrosies), having a little mooch round whilst drinking my morning tea, and obviously attracted by the title of your blog! Pretty flowers, and I love the sound of your house.
    Weatherwise, here in Norfolk, England, we have been warned of a return to very cold nights and not much warmer days this coming weekend, so it's out with the slow cooker, recipes for one-pot meals slowly, slowly cooked.. cheap and cheerful and nourishing. And books by the fireside, and tea, of course.


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