Thursday, February 24, 2011

Daffs for Dad...

Spring is in the air... granted, here in the Northeast, it's still pretty chilly, but Spring is definitely brewing... I can finally see grass... brown instead of green, but no snow... bulbs are starting to push through the ground and buds are forming on the trees... the days are getting longer and the birds are getting busy.

It's only a matter of time before my attention turns to the great outdoors and all my indoor projects go on the back burner... So, before Spring fever takes a hold of me, I decided to start painting the kitchen cabinets... I've taken them all down and removed the hardware, and so, I am now committed to the task ahead... it's going to be a long and arduous one, but it has to be done... Wish me luck, chaps!

Anyhoo, before I get elbow-deep in paint, I thought I'd just pop in to let you know why I'm not posting as frequently, and, also, to share my Friday Flower.

Daffodils... the epitome of Spring... This week, my flower is dedicated to my Dad, as this past Thursday was his birthday. I won't go into details, but his story is an amazing one of survival against the odds... Each year that we celebrate his birthday, I always say, 'you've made it to see the daffodils for another year'... You did it again Dad! Love you!
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy weekend!
Take care.

If you would like to join in with this week's Friday Flower, simply use the linky widget below to link to your lovely blooms...


  1. Good luck with the painting Laura! I'm up to my neck in paint here...four more ladder back chairs to go!!

    Love the daffodils!! Sunny bright yellow is such a warm welcome!
    Pamela ox

  2. warm and happy pictures ... happy Friday x

  3. Oh, that's heart-warming to hear, Laura. I'm almost in a similar boat with my Dad. So I *get* where you're coming from. There's nothing like daffies to brighten one's day, is there? J x

  4. You are probably asleep right now, so I'll whisper...yes, painting kitchens is hard work so indeed good luck with it and love that you send your dad some flowers, just saw my dad last week, he didn't know I would come over so he was happily surprised, he almost is out of the rehab centre. Hope you are enjoying your sleep, I'm here in pj's, oldest one is on skiday with school, little one is also here with me, puffy eyed in pj's, we will have a pj morning, have a good weekend Laura!
    Maureen x

  5. Splash that paint on Laura it will be fine - im in full furniture painting mode and am finding it great fun and liberating the motto in my house now is don't stand still mum will paint you. I have been doing little and often so it doesnt become such a chore. Love the flowers for your Dad. Have a good weekend love Debs x.

  6. I've been painting a lot this week too! Good luck with your cupboards. Lovely cheerful daffs! Pretty frame :) Enjoy the weekend, Abby x

  7. painting kitchens my friend before spring may make it come a little quicker!!

    happy happy birthday to your daddy-
    we are heading up to northumberland NOW...and i am on the laptop in bed...unshowered after a day yesterday of doing everything for this mini- trip...and hubby is telling me to get a move on....
    i just had to read your FF before i got up and left!

    happy friday hon
    melissa xxx

  8. I too am painting kitchen cupboards this week!! The big trout are still in the river at Bakewell - sorry I made you homesick. xxxxxx

  9. I love our daffodils... always the first to pop their little green stems above the ground each year.


  10. Lucky you, no snow!!
    Daffs make me smile.
    This post about your
    sweet dad makes me
    smile, too. The framed
    photo next to your
    bouquet is gorgeous!!
    I'm also in the middle
    of a painting project.
    It all seems like it
    will be so simple until
    it's actually underway!!
    Good luck with yours
    and Happy Friday!
    xx Suzanne
    PS: I'm going to link a
    girl from my post wearing
    a flowered frock....Hope
    that is okay : )

  11. Love the bright pictures of daffodils - enough to make everyone feel good.

  12. I love daffodils! They're such a sunshiny, happy flower. It's as if they lift their smiling heads to say, "Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Take heart, spring is coming!"

  13. That's lovely. I bought a bunch of a daffodils today. Can't wait to see them all open and lovely. I know I'll be taking pictures as always!

  14. And they are so lovely and cheerful, Laura!

  15. Hey lovely Laura,

    Good luck with your painting. I know it's a lot of work but I'm sure it'll be totally worth it when it's all done!!

    That's so lovely about your Dad. A Happy Birthday to him!


  16. Those are really lovely daffodils there...
    I too needs to get the kitchen cabinets repainted, must be done before the Fiesta of our place which is this coming March...
    And I'm happy about your Dad's survival ♥

  17. Hi lovely Laura - I need to take a blog vacay and work on the family scrapbook. Always so much to do ;). Good luck on those cabinets - sounds daunting yet worth it. Any before & after shots?

    I've never lived anywhere where winter was so short! No wonder you miss it so. Happy happy birthday to your father. And alas, the daffodils are up this week around town ;)

  18. Thanks for your comment Laura the basket was my Nan's you sometimes get them on car boots I have quite a few now and will keep my eyes wide open for you - did you take yours to school for your domestic science/home economics class? Those were the days.

  19. Good luck with the painting Laura, and thank you for making my day posting photos of daffodils...just lovely. x

  20. Hi Laura
    Lovely photos so cheery! Good luck with the cupboard doors, I did that in my other house, it felt like painting the Fourth Bridge, but it made such a difference it was like having a new kitchen. have a lovely week.

  21. Happy birthday to your Dad, Laura! I just saw daffodils outside but they weren't mine so I couldn't pick them. They look so cheery on your lovely pitcher like that. :) Good luck with the painting!

  22. I`m so glad to have found your pretty blog!
    I love your photos too!


  23. Hi Laura, Your daffs look beautiful! I think you share my sentiments about spring coming. I had to do a little dance of excitement when I spotted the first bluebells (which I always connect with Notts incidently) in my garden today - I can't wait! Hope you're painting is going well. xx


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