Sunday, January 9, 2011

A winter walk and a recipe for pear & raspberry crumble

Today, I took the dog for a walk. There was a fresh coat of snow from the day before, and so, the dirty grey snow left over from Christmas had been given a new lease of life. It was, once again, pristine and white, as though the land had been draped in a crisp white sheet, hiding the messy bed beneath. 

During the warmer months, this path is alive with wildlife... birds darting in and out of the reeds, young rabbits nibbling lush green grass at the side, and butterflies twirling around the sky, as though they were taking part in an elaborate ballet... but, today, it was still and quiet. The only sound was the crunching of the snow underfoot... each footstep pushing the snow back to reveal the glassy ice beneath. I trudged along the path, pulled my hood tighter against me and buried my head into my scarf so that I could feel my warm breath against my skin.
As the wind blew, the dog braced herself against it, until I turned on my heal and declared, 'Come Bea, let's head home...,' to which she returned an almost grateful tail wag.

As I walked into our little home, the warmth of the house was greeted by the throbbing of my cold cheeks. I looked at the healthy snack of raspberries that I had left on the side, pre-walk, and decided that today was a crumble day... it's too cold for diets...

If you're wanting a little comfort food, give this delicious combination a try... you won't be disappointed.
Take care all and have a great Monday!

Pear & Raspberry Crumble


1 cup plain flour
1 1/4 stick of butter, cut into cubes
1/2 cup of brown sugar
3 pears peeled and cut into slices
1 cup of raspberries (I used a small carton)
2 heaped tablespoons of vanilla sugar (granulated sugar if you don't have it)
honey for drizzling (optional)


Preheat the oven to 375F. Place the pear slices and raspberries in an oven-proof dish or pie dish, sprinkle with the vanilla sugar and stir in with a spoon.

Sift the flour into a bowl, add the cubed butter and rub in with your fingers, until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir the brown sugar into the flour mixture.

Spread the crumble mixture over the pears and raspberries. Don't pat down the mixture... you want it to stay airy. Drizzle the top with a little honey... this gives a chewy texture to your crumble top... it's not necessary, but I like it.

Place the crumble in the oven for approximately 40-45 minutes, or until the crumble is golden brown on top and the fruit is bubbling at the sides.

Serve with either custard of vanilla ice-cream... both are delicious!

Note: I don't precook the pears, as with apple crumble, as they're usually softer already. If you're not able to get vanilla sugar, you can always try and make it. Sarah's blog here offers a tutorial on how to do this. It really does make a difference.


  1. Ooh, yum, Laura! I have some raspberries in the fridge ☺. Loving these snow photos as we swelter in our summer humidity. Thanks for taking us on a wander with you, Lovely. J x

  2. Hi Laura,
    You still have some serious snow! We have the cold but no snow here anymore by the lake, just rain... What kind of dog is Bea?
    Maureen x

  3. I just discovered you blog & loved it. I'm an interior designer from Melbourne, Australia & I found it very inspiring. Blogging is all new to me but I have just set up my own blog
    You may like to check it out because I had so much fun doing it. It's got a bit of everything fashion, interiors, food, travel spots - hopefully you will find something in there that you like.
    Thanks for providing me with such great entertainment!

  4. Sounds delicious - and you are right too cold to diet we all have such good intentions. No snow here anymore just damp and wet - you get the picture typical January in the UK.
    Take care

  5. love this laura- it is b****y freezing here today & without the beauty of snow...we had a mini snow storm/ fall on friday but nothing stuck around! your little recipe is just what i need to snap me back into action now i have the house back to almost normal!!
    melissa xoxox
    any goodies arrived yet??
    so far we have only lost 2 parcels this christmas period with all the weather issues!!

  6. This looks so good! I love a warm crumble with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. So delicious. A real comfort food :)

  7. Mmm, bet that crumble was delicious.

  8. I am getting wistful for the snow that everyone is getting; we are too far South now. I am hoping for another snow day before winter is out though. I love your crumble idea - I actually made a rice pudding today, perfect recipe for the old rayburn - long slow cooking. Kids back to school tomorrow - am I counting the minutes? Uh huh! Lou x

  9. You cook the best stuff! I wish I'd had a bite of that with my afternoon coffee just now.

  10. That crumble looks yummy. I made a pear crumble a while back and put chopped pistachios in the crumble mix = v nice!!

  11. That looks delicious! It's a very snowy day here. I made fried apples for lunch. Maybe I need to back something now;)

  12. You are a winner!!! Come and check, Lou xxx

  13. your crumble looks lovely...and a spot of tea sounds perfect with it. Actually I could go for a spot of earl gray right now.

    Nice to meet you...not sure how I stumbled upon have a lovely little spot here.

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted


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