Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tea cups, cup cakes & Friday Flowers...

Hi there... November is going super fast. I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving already... Normally, I'm super-prepared and very much in the festive spirit, but this year, I feel like I've barely packed away the Halloween decorations... My head is definitely not hearing the tinkle of jingle bells or thinking of my Christmas  decorations.
So, over the next week, I plan on kicking it up a notch and dragging myself into Christmas... I started the other day by practically raiding the library of all the children's Christmas books... I figured that if I can get them super-hyped for Christmas (hope I don't regret that move), then I'll be soon to follow... after all, I'm always told it's a holiday for the kiddies!

Anyhoo, another great way to get me in the festive mood is to start drawing up that gift list... or should I say, wish list... I started this list around December 26th, 2009... in fact, make that 2003... it's an ongoing list that just keeps on growing... In an antique store this past week, I spied something else to add to it... some divine vintage tea plates... I oohh-ed and ahh-ed, envisaging having afternoon tea served upon them (like I ever get a chance to have an afternoon tea)... given that really any spare cash should go on gift-giving, I walked away and informed the hubby of said plates later... just in case he's stuck on what to get me...

I'd like to say I left the store empty-handed, but I couldn't pass up these cute tea cups...

I got a set of four for less than the cost of two lattes... now that's something you can't sniff at!

Today, I enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a party cupcake... it wasn't quite an afternoon tea, but it's a step in the right direction... I just need those tea plates...

My Friday Flower this week is dedicated to all of you... I know I've done this before, but really, I can't thank you enough for taking the time out of your day and reading my thoughts... thank you so much for sticking with me... leaving your comments... making me smile and brightening my day... You make it all worth while!

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend.

If you would like to join in with this week's Friday Flower, there's a Linky widget below where you can add a link to your page... then pop over to miss sew and so and do the same there... it's all about sharing the love!


  1. Oh, Laura, I'm not at all prepared for Christmas either. Now we have Joshie's birthday to celebrate and then India's in a fortnight. After that, I may have some time to get festive! J x

  2. I adore those roses! So beautiful!

    So glad you didn't pass up those tea cups! Very nice!

    I am feeling surprisingly Christmas-y which is a nice contrast from last year when I felt just depressed, depressed, depressed because my oldest had left for her first year at college. I just didn't know how to decorate for Christmas without her. Don't seem to have the problem this year!

  3. Goodmorning sunshine!
    Well, we don't have any, so that's why I love to hop into your blog, it always makes me smile, and yummy cupcake! although it's too early to think about that now...
    Have a lovely weekend Laura!
    Maureen x

  4. oh honey...i ADORE those teacups...that pattern is so unusual...what a find!!

    & i know about those lists...the ones that get pulled out every year...hoping that you may get *one* of the very special very rare & usually very expensive {really uneeded but soo wanted!!} pieces on it!

    those roses are divine...please don't tell me you grew's probably too cold for roses where you are by now isn't it??
    {& love the little *chippy* tray!.....}

    why don't you have a bit of a christmas think this weekend & post it monday...i'm going to do christmas creative inspiration on a know get the old christmas baubles rolling so to speak...

    melissa xoxox

  5. The cup cake looks amazing, I'm on a hunt for something like that for my wife birthday afternoon tea. I think that would suit perfectly, I wonder if I caould whip em up myself...better not. Still not allowed in the kitchen from the last time I tried to bake/burn the place down.

  6. I shipped off my Christmas packages to the US today. Christmas music is already on the radio. The holidays are here - yikes!!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Laura!

  7. I keep forgetting about your Friday Flower posts, Laura. I will try to get organised so I can join in soon.

    Happy Decorating. I wish I could fly on over there and join in. This is my favourite time of the year!

    Best wishes always,

    PS I do hope you get those sweet plates for Christmas!

  8. Thanks for the cuppa, my 10 year old and I really enjoyed it. We were excited to link up with you and Miss Sew & So for our first ever link ups.

  9. That cupcake looks gorgeous, and the roses beautiful. G

  10. Treat yourself to those plates! Might put you right int he mood.

  11. The flowers are amazing, and the cup cake looks amazing, have a lovely week - oh and perhaps I will start my list this week!!

  12. Well, you have uploaded some very beautiful pictures here... Love them!
    Enjoy your week,
    love Maaike


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