Monday, October 11, 2010

A new shelf for kitchen bric-a-brac...

When I first moved to the States, I came here with one suitcase full of a season's worth of clothes.. I had no idea that I was about to emigrate... crazy, eh? We moved into a tiny apartment in Hoboken and I started to make a home (again)...  I slowly surrounded myself with knick-knacks and trinkets that reminded me of the life that I had hastily left behind... I remember visiting a friend in Oxford and picking up a tacky tourist ornament and declaring that 'I just had to get it'... she obviously laughed at me and declared that I'd 'gone soft in the head'...

The kitchen is the one room in the house that I want to scream home... shout from the rooftops that I'm a Brit...  I'm not trying to make a style statement here (I would never even profess to know style... I just know what I like)... I want to create a feeling... that warm, fuzzy feeling of familiarity... and so, this little room in my house is piled high with bric-a-brac... knick-knacks... utensils... anything that reminds me of standing in my mum's kitchen and smelling good things to eat... My mum has been the biggest contributer to this collection... picking things up and mailing them to me, along with simple notes saying, 'I saw this and thought of you...' Those pieces bring the biggest smiles...

Now, there's one problem with this quest... I cannot leave the UK without a suitcase stuffed with kitchen paraphernalia, and my little kitchen is pretty tapped out on space... so, this past week, I picked up this little wall shelf for the spot above the microwave... this dead space was just begging to be filled.. and I have...

Have you noticed that you never see appliances in dreamy shots of kitchens?? Perhaps I should have photo-shopped this out...
I had earmarked this shelf for things that I have yet to get.... namely, a cream Roberts radio (a Christmas gift from the hubby... how do I know? I spied it in his closet...) but now I'm not sure it will fit... that's assuming the radio is for me??
Hoping your week started smoothly!


  1. There is nothing more fun than dressing up a new shelf. It is one of my favorite things and your new shelf is so fun & sweet. I love all the containers and the gorgeous salt & pepper holders. Love your blog and always enjoy your posts. Deb =^..^=x5

  2. What a great little shelf. Love the bead board in the back. Fits great right above the microwave. Hope the radio fits :)

  3. morning laura...a perfect spot for a gorgeous little shelf....almost a little *shrine* to england....& i am into *shrines* BIG TIME!!

    i have my bowls, jars & vases of shells from home, and any beach that reminds me of home, EVERYWHERE in this place!

    hope your radio fits- how cool is your husband {!!}...have you got any bunting from your mama yet??

    melissa xxx
    p.s looking forward to your's a lot to think about isn't it! :)

  4. The shelf is just
    too perfect, Laura!
    And my mom is like
    that, too....Aren't
    we sooo lucky??! I
    want a little digital
    radio for my sewing
    table...wonder if that's
    what your Roberts is??
    xx Suzanne

  5. I can concur with you on picking up souvenirs... I collect Cape Cod souvenirs and I live here! lol ;) Whatever little objects make your house feel like a home are always welcome.

  6. Just found your blog, glad I did!
    Greetings from Italy :)

  7. That little shelf and all the little red goodies are adorable. That shelf is so my style!

  8. an electrical item...quick move it out of shot!!
    I love your kitchen, and the shelf, AND i wish i were getting a beautiful radio...mine is....functional..
    I love that your Mum sends you things, my Mum doesnt get that i like 'old lady' things and is very modern!!

  9. Hi Laura...thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your lovely comment! What a fabulous blog you have! I see we both like to play Eye Spy :)) We both have the same red salt and pepper mills and you have managed to discover a cream radio which sounds perfect!

    Brits do have wonderful taste, I can attest to that. I spent the day at a country Christmas market in Surrey and was astounded by the selection!

    Look forward to following....

    Best wishes :)))

    Jeanne xx

  10. Try setting a budget of how much money you are willing to spend. That way you won't blow all your money on kitchen supplies. That or try to stay away from stores that sell it when you travel.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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