Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall ♥

It's Fall... I know this because my girls' t-shirts are showing the stains of multiple juice pops, eaten on hot summer days, and 'Tide Stain Release' is just not going to cut it on these babies anymore! It's time to kiss goodbye to the pretty pastels of summer and move on to the rich colours of fall...  Is it just me, or does anyone else feel their heart strings tugged when they pack their kids' clothes away at the end of a season? I find it's like packing away that season of their lives... I know I'll be dragging my 'threads' out for years to come (I'm thrifty), but there's such a sense of finality when I pack away their wardrobe... Anyhoo.... on a lighter note...

I love the rich warm colours that fall brings with it...

I love pumpkins, both for decorating and eating... strange really, given that I had never eaten one prior to my move to  America...

I love the fact that I can hide my toes in my Converse and not have to worry about when I'll get a chance to fit in that much needed pedi...

... or that I can pull all my cozy sweaters out of the closet and bundle myself up once again...

I swear I have cooler sweaters, but I love to rock the granny look!

...and being snuggled indoors, with my favourite armchair fitting the season ...

I know... I brought it during my 'red' season & just can't bare to get rid of it... anyhoo the dog likes it!
I love the fact that a hot cup of tea, becomes the right choice of drink...

... and the damp smell of leaves in the air (sorry I couldn't capture that one)... and, to anyone in the UK, enjoy the smell of bonfires and the morning cobwebs (just two of the things that I miss from Blighty)... There are so many things that I love about Fall... What about you?


  1. I love Fall too and miss all of the early signs that we had in GA. Here in FL I don't get all the wonderful colors. But just the cool crisp air will be a wonderful welcome!

  2. Hi - a very evocative post - I can relate. As I look out on my lawn I see morning dew and cobwebs! Some things never change! I am a complete tea fanatic and simply can't get through without my cuppa earl grey. I too cleared out clothes yesterday and forced myself to get rid of some - that old adage; if it hasn't been worn for a year it never will be...etc Lou x

  3. Lovely! I'm sooo looking forward to Spring kicking off properly here - but you make Autumn sound so cosy :)

  4. I enjoy the cold nights. I love to have a big down duvet and then have my window wide open.

  5. I love
    crisp apples
    flannel sheets
    windows open
    red leaves
    getting cozy....
    And I've loved
    reading your
    inspired take on
    xx Suzanne

  6. morning lovely....

    yep i am soo looking forward to the crisp air and the snuggling evenings....
    just saw you over at sarahs *missing oz*...thats why we need to visit her every morning- to get our daily sydney fix...she did good today!

    big hugs hon from ol'blighty...

    melissa xoxox

  7. We don't get much of a "fall season" here in Texas. Leaves are falling, but probably due to the heat. I do love how you write. I savor your words as I go, stretching them out to be enjoyed. So glad I found you!

  8. Thank you for my cuppa this morning, and the kind words that went with it. I count myself among the luckiest of your "followers" - I actually get to have tea with you in your cozy cottage by the sea.
    I've said it before...You're my inspiration!
    I'm already planning my Friday Flower.
    xoxo Tina

  9. Hi Laura!

    Fall is beautiful here, but back in Amsterdam the only thing that comes with it is rain! So give me a summer day anytime! What I can enjoy in fall is the clothing and boots, my two girls birthdays and the leaves when they are crisp (and dry!) and make that funny noise when you walk trough a big pile.
    BTW, I'm so happy that more people have found you! Gotta go to sleep now, you enjoy your evening!

  10. You are such a smart girl! How did you know I smell bonfires and see cobwebs outside?!

    Love your sweater photo - just oozes 'cozy' ;)

    XO Laura,

  11. All good things most come to end. Summer is no exception. When I was little my mom's biggest compliant about winter was that I would always lose my winter gloves.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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