Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A 'Pick-Me-Up' Rose

I was still feeling a little blue the other day, so I popped to the local supermarket for ice-cream... did I mention that frozen strawberry ice-cream balls won't make a 9 hour car journey from Cape Cod?? I guess we'd tested the limitations of the cooler bag there...
Anyhoo, roses were on 'Special', so I threw a bunch into the trolley, and decided to add a little cheer to the house. Don't you just love supermarket specials? There were enough roses for the bedroom, living room and kitchen ( that's pretty much covering 80% of our tiny house)...

Roses hold a special place in this gals heart, as these were my wedding flower... cliched I know, but to me they are just timeless. On a side note, I am attempting to grow roses in our garden, but not having much luck. Out of the four bushes purchased, only one has flowered. I'd say that is a pretty poor success rate... perhaps I should call David Austin??
Sorry to digress... where was I? Oh yeah... I thought I'd share their beauty with you... that is the supermarket roses and not the dying garden rose bushes. So here they are... enjoy..

 Do you have a special flower? Let me know.... or, you could let me know your secrets for growing roses, 'cause I am failing miserably!


  1. Really pretty! Nothing like fresh flowers to brighten your day. My favorite would have to be hydrangeas. But when I pick some up at the store it usually daisies or spider mums.

  2. I love hydrangeas too. I brought an unusual one back from Cape Cod, but have yet to get it in the ground. My friend always says, that there is no such thing as a bad flower and I have to agree! Lx

  3. Nothing puts a smile on my face like ice cream. You should to get rainbow flavored ice cream or cookie flavored ice cream. Those are my favorites.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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