Thursday, August 5, 2010

Memories of childhood vacations...

There's a storm-a-brewing in Cape Cod today, and so, a kink was thrown into our plans. Rather than a beach day (to keep the kiddies happy), it was a day of more sight-seeing... I'd like to think that this will grow their minds and give them an appreciation for all things beautiful... OK, they won't realize it any time soon, but they'll thank me some day!
Anyhoo, we set off to Truro, a place named after a quaint fishing village in England. As a child, we vacationed here often, and so, I wanted to see how the American version matched up!

The skies were grey and the wind was blowing, so it had everything going for it so far! On arrival, I breathed in the salty sea air, heavy with the smell of seaweed and I was transported back 30 years... If only I'd remembered the Thermos of tea!!!

It definitely wasn't as quaint and beautiful as Chatham, but for me it stirred all the nostalgia of home and childhood holidays, and so, won points on these grounds alone.
On our way home, we passed a local vineyard, which we of course had to visit...

The kiddies were asleep in the back of the car (why would you wake sleeping bears?), so the hubby and I relayed out of the car. Unfortunately, we had to pass up the wine tasting (I think that would be pushing the 'bad parenting' too far), but we did take a couple of bottles for the road. I'll let you know how it tastes!

All in all, it was a wonderful day that brought back a lot of great childhood memories for me...
Do you have a specific vacation spot that reminds you of your childhood? Leave a comment and let me know... I'd love to hear your stories...


  1. Laura,
    you've captured the Cape so beautifully! Your pictures are gorgeous and set a mood that anyone would envy. Seeing it all through your eyes has opened mine to see the beauty in simple things that I would not have noticed before.

  2. hi laura- lovely to meet you!!
    ok ....i haave just made a *pot* of tea, as you suggested in your header...& sat down before breakfast to read....all your blog!

    i have t say i am only at the beginning of your trip to cape cod- working backwards as i am...and i had to write to you before i go any further!

    i love the way you write...i would love to know how old your kiddos are as they look deliciously smaller than mine...& its a serious balance to get to dinner and a good nites sleep- let alone recog how lucky you are to be having such a gorgeous holiday in THAT COTTAGE!! oh my goodness- i love that cottage...and yes as a big lover of *crab pots* they really are lovely in the garden!! hope you found some beach goodies to take home with you....and your day at truro looks soo familiar to our seaside hols here- i loved those photos...

    thats the beauty of blogging & living abroad -you appretiate soo many different ways of life- and can completely relate to all of them...

    & one last question- is yur hubbt from oz??
    what a lovely mixed existence you have!!

    melissa xx

  3. Thank you for your wonderful comment. I replied via e-mail, but I am new to this, and so, not sure if it reached you! Love your blog... your pictures are beautiful and just the ticket for pouring over during my morning cuppa. The hubby is American, but we both, are in love with Oz.. Our house is testament to that with pictures all over the place from our time spent there! Lx

  4. I haven't made it to the vineyards in Truro yet... looks like I must! ;)


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